An update on our Integrity policies

Published Fri 03 May 2024

Water Polo NSW (WPNSW) is committed to safety, both in and out of the pool. WPNSW has a zero tolerance policy to the abuse of officials, team officials, game officials, players or spectators. We must have positive behaviour, enjoy the game and lead by example. WPNSW reminds members of their rights and responsibilities under Water Polo Australia (WPA)/WPNSW integrity, disciplinary and grievance policies:

• National Integrity Framework – click HERE to view introductory video

• Code of Conduct – click HERE

• Personal Grievances Policy – click HERE

These policies protect and bind everyone involved in water polo including athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, parents and supporters. To view all policies go to the WPNSW website and click on Info Hub / Policies and Guidelines – or click HERE.

Membership of WPNSW via your Clubs/Associations is a privilege and comes with a responsibility to contribute to a safe, fair, and inclusive environment. Please always take care to act appropriately, treat everyone with respect and be mindful of the impact of your behaviour on others. WPNSW has zero tolerance for abuse (physical or otherwise), bullying, harassment, discrimination or any other harmful behaviour.

WPNSW is also committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people, with a strong focus on minimising opportunities for harm to occur. If you are a coach, volunteer, official or any other person whose role involves contact with children and young people, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in this space, particularly the Child Safe Practices.

WPNSW takes these issues extremely seriously and encourages everyone to speak up if they have experienced or witnessed poor behaviour or non-compliance with our Child Safe Practices. Complaints enable action to be taken where people do not meet the expected standards of WPNSW.

The process for managing Complaints is intended to be consistent, timely, fair and transparent. In accordance with Case Categorisation and Sanctions Guidelines: Isolated or less serious issues may be dealt with by:

• Education

• Warning/Reprimand

• Apology

Repeated or more serious issues may lead to:

• External referral (to law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies)

• Provisional Action (temporary protective measures while a person is under investigation)

• Alternative Dispute Resolution (including mediation)

• Investigation

• Tribunal Hearing (within the sport or in the National Sports Tribunal)

Participants are also reminded to respect the confidentiality of disciplinary matters, to ensure fairness and privacy for those involved, by not making public comment or discussing such matters with others. Failure to respect confidentiality, as well as any form of victimisation (ie retaliation or threats) against someone in a complaint process, is a serious breach of the rules and may lead to disciplinary action.

Please visit the WPA Sport Integrity Page for further information about your rights and responsibilities under these policies, including how to make a Complaint.
